Fix Up Look Hard

Thursday 3 March 2011

Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The two ancillary tasks I produced was film review and three film posters. I marketed my film by writing up a film review I chose to write up a review because it is effective as some audience read the review before they go the cinema in order to make up the decision if to go watch the film or not. Before I started writing out the film review I carried out a lot of research into the film magazines such as Empire, Total film, Sight & Sound and looked the styles of writing a film review as each magazine had a different type. The other thing I looked at when I was researching was the style of writing that each magazine had. The task was to write for a film magazine of your film review, however we couldn’t use online magazine version. I chose to write for Total film magazine because they are one of the largest film magazines in the world; therefore by writing for them our film would really get audience awareness. The other reason I chose to write for the magazine is because the unique selling point in their magazine they have a wide range of genre film reviewed a guide for 2011 preview of the releases and interviews and many more information to do with film. In producing my film review I strictly followed the format of the Total film magazine review I had a large image of our main character Harry with facial expressions sad therefore I think it attracts the audience more as they would want to go watch the film to know why is he in this positions his in. The way I written the review was I tried to give information about the film but not as much so audience would go and watch the film. I think it’s a good image to use because as our genre is comedy audience may not expect to see that in the comedy therefore the want to watch the film would be even greater as the film challenges the codes and conventions of the comedy genre. By the use of our tagline ‘’Geeks are bullies too...’’ gives the audience an idea what the film will be about. The use of the first sentence in the review is really effective ‘’It seems that the directional debut of Antoinette-Morgan Seki it’s clearly successful after this cracker’’ audience will want to go and watch the film after reading the sentence because is really effective and straight forward.

The poster really works for my film because in the poster I included a water gun which is really effective because it gives that childish theme which we have in our film. Also the use of blue colour of the title gives us that sadness atmosphere which we have in our film therefore the poster really goes well together with our film. By the use of the tagline in my poster ‘’Geeks are bullies too’’ by adding a tagline in the poster it gives the audience a clue about the film and what to expect. I think my poster is really effective because it tells us about the film, but not too much which will make the audience to go and watch the film. The image I used was over the shoulder shot of our main character Harry spraying water on Jack our antagonist which again tells audience more about the narrative of the film.

The other poster I created was different as I used A4 sized image at the top I included a sentence saying ‘’From the guys who brought you the best comedy of the year in 2009’’ as I carried a lot of research on poster I seen big distributing companies has that quote so that’s why I decided to use it because I think it really works because if you had success previously it is more likely that audience would trust you and go watch the film it also has the codes and conventions of a poster such as: release date, title, actor names, tagline, production company. The font for the title I chose was bold and the type of font you would expect to see in animated films I chose this because as our film has that childish element and it is in school it works well. The image I used was from the film as we can see Harry (protagonist) walking past Jack (antagonist) I chose this image because of the facial expressions of Jack showing to the audience that there is hate between them two which effective because it tells audience a bit more about the narrative as you can clearly see Jack dislikes Harry and it will also make the audience think why is this happening.

Overall I feel that the combination of my main product and ancillary texts works well together, I feel that a clear link can be made between them because they carry a similar theme and have the same conventions this can help the audience see that they are all part of the same product.

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