Fix Up Look Hard

Thursday 3 March 2011

Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Audience feedback is very important when creating my main product and ancillary texts because it helps me understand who my target audience are and what things I need to include in my products and what things I need to change and adapt to make them perfect for my target audience.

While producing a film is really important what other people have to say about it as then you can make changes and improve it. Audience feedback helps to spot some mistakes which I don’t see myself or I haven’t considered which was really important. Even though we worked as a group we didn’t see the mistake with our work. The feedback started from the planning stages when we had to think of different film ideas and present them to the class I had idea about a boy is disrespectful towards woman and he goes to fantasy world which I thought was a really good idea, however the other did not think it’s good because they told me: ‘’I don’t see that working, how are you going to show the fantasy world’’ this comment made me really think about it and I learnt that audience feedback is important because when is your own work you don’t see nothing wrong with it. Even when we were in groups it was really helpful to listen to each other comments about each of our ideas.

When we presented our pitch to our class mates and teacher we received a lot of audience feedback which was really crucial at this time because we were still in planning changes therefore we could have still changed the whole story without having to much work to do e.g. script, treatment. The feedback we received was ‘’A clear story, which has beginning, middle and ending’’ after we received this comment we knew the story is clear and not confusing. The other comments were ‘’What pranks are you going to do?’’ this comment really helped us because we needed to think about that really carefully because some pranks may appeal more to adults and other to children so we had to come up with pranks that everyone will find it funny. The other comment we received ‘’ I can see this working’’ after this comment we knew this is the final idea we will go for.

For the ancillary task I got feedback for my poster which were not really positive, however it’s also important to listen to the negatives as well because is the only way you can improve your work. The comments I received were: ‘Looks amateur, change background, size of font make it bigger, use another picture, use different colours, correct spelling mistakes’’ by getting this feedback it really helped me to improve my work and to correct the spelling mistakes which I didn’t spot myself. Therefore after receiving the feedback I made the changes to improve my work and after I got people to give comments again which this time were positive such as: ‘’Much better looks more professional’’.

The most critical feedback we received was from year 9 students we asked them to watch our film, this was important to make any changes and to make sure our film is clear to different audience. The feedback we received was positive such as: ‘’ Good narrative, good characters in the film also the ending is really funny’’. This really helped us because as they found the film funny then we knew it follows the comedy genre. However when we showed our film to other media students they had other things to say such as continuity which was a real problem through our film and the other feedback was to trim some of the shots up because they were too long and also it helped us with the ending because we did not see the mistake we made in the end we had some shots before the other and it really didn’t make sense but after receiving the feedback we were then able to change it.

I learnt a lot from audience feedback which is really important in media studies because you are producing a film which the audience will be watching therefore you need to consider other peoples comments about it in order for the work to be successful and more enjoyable.

The reason we responded to the comments that people gave us was because we believed if we make the changes we would improve our film. We wanted our film to look as professional as possible and the only way we could is to listen to students and teachers comments. We gathered a lot of peoples to feedback on the sound because we wanted our sound to be really good and really suit the genre we were going for. The comments we obtained for some of the sound were the tempo was to slow or it don’t suit your genre. After receiving those comments we went back to looking for a different sound and then getting feedback on it, therefore I think the sound we used in the film is really good because we took a long time to pick out the best sounds.

I feel that having audience feedback has been a positive thing because it has helped me make decision on my ancillary tasks and main product that I would have found difficult to make without having other peoples inputs. I also feel that having audience feedback will help me understand even clearer what my target audience want from a poster, magazine review and my film.

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