Fix Up Look Hard

Thursday 7 October 2010

Short films


The film is about two male characters one of them breaks into the other character home because of what happened 15 years ago at school when he used to get bullied and now he wants revenge.
One of the favorite shorts film I seen so far, however there are some drawbacks to it which could be improved. What I like about it the close-ups of the water boiling and the furniture in the kitchen which sets up the scene and gives a chance to get to know the setting we are in. I really like the way the director don't show the male character breaking in we just see when it already happened. I also like the close-ups of the male character strapped to the chair the shots and angle they used one of them being low angle shot. The film has a simple narrative told really well in terms of the shots. The other thing I like is the way they used lighting they used artificial lighting which was blue which was on both characters faces which could have connotation of cold which you could say the character has a cold heart to do such things in school to the other character.
However, the drawback of this film are that even though it was shot creatively after watching it for couple of minutes we get bored as we see the same shots from time to time they could improve it by using variety of shots such as medium shots, long shots so we are not only seeing close-ups all the time. The other thing when one of the characters get hit it looks really amateur and not real therefore the director should of though about the angles to shoot in so it looks realistic, but overall the film is great.

Job street

What I like about the film that it shows different people all going work and how life differs to one another.
I think the narrative was really good and interesting, especially the plot points we was not expected when the black male character was getting beaten up.
The fighting scene looked very real which made us as audience think that's really happening in their world this due to the angles they used and shots to show it which looked really professional.
What really made this short film good was the plot points guy getting beaten up and the man returning home which made the film very interesting to watch in order to see what happens next.

Hard labour

It was about this woman living in Britain and getting pregnant the man she works for and the man paid her so she keeps quiet and don't tell his wife the truth what happened between them.
The narrative in this short film was similar to British soaps and for us as the audience we can easily guess what's going to happen next, so the narrative is really predictable.
Even though the narrative was simple it was shot interesting the director used a variety of shots, which I think it can help me with my A2 production.
The film didn't have many shots therefore the director had to really know what he wants in his shots and to make sure they have a clear meaning and it can be understood by the viewers, which I think he done perfectly as every shot was clear.
What I really liked about the film that the narrative was simple, but it was executed well.

The first time it hits

The way it was shot was int interesting to watch as the angles they used to take their shots really made an impact. As this film didn't use as much of dialogue we as audience still can understand what the narrative is about because of the close-ups they used to show the characters facial expressions.
The narrative was simple a boy likes the girl and tries to impress her with the skateboard trick,however the skateboard hits the girl. What I really like about this film is the lack of dialogue which will really benefit me with my A2 production to use this as a example how to make the narrative clear without using any dialogue.
I think this short film is very creative technically the shots they used and the editing as they used really fast pace shots and it also matched the soundtrack used. They also made their genre clear because we as audience laughed at the correct time which made it clear to use that it was a comedy genre short film. The narrative also had a twist at the end we as viewers expected the girl to get up and hit the male character, however we didn't see that happening, but we saw a girl getting up smiling and winking.
I like the way they used lighting throughout the film low key and high key lighting and the way they film didn't have that much colours which gave us that effect of old places etc.
The type of soundtrack the direct used matched the characters I think the costumes we see the characters wearing we would stereotype them to listen this type of music and by just hearing the non-digetic sound we would expect to see a teen comedy.

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