Fix Up Look Hard

Sunday 17 October 2010

How to pitch

How to pitch your film idea

  • Look in the market to see what type of films are being released and put into production.
  • Develop a basic idea for the film. This will serve as a compass for the story as it develops.
  • Make sure you can shorten your script down to a solid 1 or 2 sentences for the basic idea, producers will never be attracted to it for development.
  • Developing your story idea is a opportunity to express a very original hook that your story has to separate it from others within the same genre or theme.
  • A great storyline should provoke interest and inspire the producer to see the potential of the film.
  • Research what current film production companies are developing and producing.
  • Before completing your screenplay, you may opt for writing a ''treatment'' or synopsis of the story. This will be used as your initial pitch or submission to any company interested and can serve as the first piece of copy written material.
  • Write a great long line (short pitch) one or two sentences. That tell the reader what the main concept, character and/ or circumstance are about. It should tell what the movie is about in a clever way that provokes the interest of reader.
  • Concentrate on covering just the critical and main plot points for the main character.
  • Know which cast you want in your film.
How not to pitch

  • Be unsure
  • Rush through in a monotone
  • No eye contact
  • Forget things
  • Argue

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