Fix Up Look Hard

Sunday 17 October 2010

Audience feedback on the pitch

Myself and my group presented are story idea to the class and we got feedback and the things to consider and to work on for our final pitch which will be filmed and posted on our blog. This is the feedback we got:
  • The idea came across very clear.
  • Be more creative telling a story.
  • Have more faith in our film.
  • Liked the video we used to show them with the theme we are trying to go with.
  • Interact with the audience more.
  • Liked that are film had PG rating as it will attract more audience and film directors are working hard to release PG rating films as it targets a wider audience which more chances of success, however it don't mean the film will be a success.
  • Have clear pranks in are pitch couple of examples what we will have in our film. Also told us to think about what audience the pranks will target as there pranks for children and more complex ones therefore we really need to think about the pranks carefully and make sure different audience enjoy it.
  • Simple idea, and they could see it work.
  • As we have a shot when are main character getting slapped we need to capture that really well to make sure it looks real not amateur.

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