Fix Up Look Hard

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Audience feedback

Throughout Production I have received lots of feedback from people on making my film which had helped me and my group to improve our work and the ideas. People commented of what was good and what things needed improvement. Firstly at the beginning of the A2 course we got homework to think of three film ideas which later on I shared with my classmates. Some ideas that I had people commented were to difficult and they don't see it working. One of my ideas received positive feedback such as ''Good idea I can see it working'', however it also had the negative ''I think it's too simplistic it needs some changes but overall I think it's good'' the idea needed to be good an A2 short film therefore to make the best idea we combined each others.
Our first film idea was a thriller called 'Locked in my Mind' but was changed after receiving feedback from my teacher who said that it would have been too difficult to film.The other film idea me and my group had was a film idea with a title ''Adventures of Babashola'' however it was even more difficult to film then the first one, therefore we had to wipe that idea.After receiving the feedback we did we kept putting ideas together but this time we tried of having a more simplistic idea. We came up with the idea of a film and decided to stay with it called 'Fix Up, Look Hard' because of the feedback we got from our teacher and classmates who told us that they think it will work.
After our final film was chosen we had to put it together so it could work. As well as disagreements our narrative for the film changed slightly because of feedback from literally everyone. This was mainly on ending of the film and the way the prank idea came to plan. We were told that it sounded dull and the prank idea would be difficult so the ending was changed to become more funny and the prank idea part was changed to connect the audience more. When it came to Production we couldn't get feedback from our target audience so got it from our teacher, actor, and random people. While shooting the film our teacher was marking us so would regularly give small tips and our actor who played our main character Harry gave us advice on how it was best to shoot him. These pieces of advice went a long way because we could of shot the film differently and our film would have been different. Also because our actor is also a A2 Media Studies student it helped a lot. Post Production is where we had the most feedback. Putting the film together required knowledge from me and the group because we know the film and how to make it look better. But we also needed feedback from other media groups to get their thoughts across. The feedback varied from sound to effects. After the film was put together we showed it to Year 9 students who are our potential target audience. We were pleased to here things like "The film was really funny" and "The story was interesting" but we also had some critical ones like "Too quick" and "The actor was bad". By receiving the feedback was vital, however the film was already produced and there wasn't anything we could of done. For my ancillary task feedback it helped me to make my poster more marketable. This was important because it needed to look like a real comedy film poster. From the feedback I got I believe I used it well as I took what people were saying into consideration especially my target audience. The majority of what people were saying was making my poster look more interesting and real. I did this with the use of colour, size, theme, font. I feel that without the feedback, I may not have seen things I should have and improved to an extent. Also it got me thinking on ways to appeal to my target audience rather than satisfying me and the group. Also when you are producing work you may not realise what you doing wrong because its your own work and you wont be able to spot mistakes like others can therefore feedback is crucial.

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