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Saturday 30 October 2010

''Made In Dagenham'' film review

In a school trip I had a chance to watch the film called ''Made In Dagenham''

The narrative:

The films genre is hybrid-Comedy, drama,

The film is about the drama that happened in the Ford company in 1968 where woman went on strike at the Ford in Dagenham, where female workers walked out in protest against sexual discrimination and the desire for equal pay. However it was achieved by the end the equal pay they wanted.

In other countries the film was called ''We want sex'', but in Britain it was called ''Made in Dagenham'' due to the word sex and wasn't allowed to be promoted on the side of the buses when the film came out therefore it was changed only in this country to ''Made in Dagenham''

The film was rated 7.3 out of 10

What I learnt from this film?

One of the things I learnt is about the narrative because for me it's hard to think of a story idea, however by watching this film I though I could something similar of what they done in this film use a story line based on a true story exactly the same thing to what this film done.

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